Helping Canadians get back to work.

Windsong College of Healing Arts

6199 Smith Road, Port alberni BC

Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Veterinary, Animal Services Programs

  • Animals have an innate sense and intuition for dis-harmony and dis-ease. They understand the benefits of touch on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Combined with healing intention, touch becomes a mechanism for balancing and eliminating stress and tensions that cause metabolic interference and eventually illness. Kuma, our Shiba Inu, keeps a strict schedule of "pet times", demanding regular massage every morning and night. The horses demand physical connection to gain trust and we can regularly see them in mutual "grooming massage" with each other in the paddocks. Bear uses cuddles to calm tensions and relieve imbalances in people he meets. Thus their world becomes quiet and relaxed and their health reflects this language of connection. 4 Paws Bodytalk Acupressure, AcuChi, & Auriculotherapy focuses on using the balancing of the Elements and the Chakras to release disharmonies and increase the body systems for health. The touch given in compassion and regard allows for increased trust and a deeper relationship mutually benefitting the giver and the receiver. Studying this series of courses, not only allows for Certification in 4 Paws, but creates personal growth and development of self. The courses are offered Combined Distance and require onsite hands on training with our facilitators for certification. Simply order the CoursePac for the Online Study and when you are ready to come join us for the hands on, you can join a regularly scheduled session or book a Personal Training Retreat (Add $375 for accommodations). Hands on training sessions are offered in July and August for Equine; January and February for Small Animal.

Healthcare, Wellness, Pharma Programs

  • Used in ancient China and developed over the centuries by different cultures, Auricular Therapies are now becoming commonplace in Natural Medicine and Complementary Alternative Medicine. Modernn techniques include Acupuncture, TENS, Laser, and Chromotherapy. Often used in addictive behaviours and stress therapy, Auricular Medicine is finding its way into many practices. Based in Nerve Theories, Reflex Theories, and Chinese Medicine Meridian Theory, Auriculotherapy has come to combine 4 different systems into one universal treatment form. This workshop focuses on the Grassroots Chinese method and the teachings of Paul Nogier and Terry Oleson to treat the earpoints of the major body systems and the reflex points of individual imbalances with Magrain Pellets, Vaccaria Press Seeds and Vibrational Medicine Therapies. Three Day Workshop Objectives include: learning  how to stimulate certain auricular areas with seeds or magnetic balls, massage, and AcuChi in order to treat and prevent disease. Define Anatomical Terminology of the Ear Surface, Anatomy of the Ear Delineate Location of specific stimulating auriculotherapy points and their distribution Defining reaction and indication of Ear Acupoints and how to use them with specific pathologies Employ Ethics, Social Context, & Hygiene. Preparation and treatment with Auricular seeds Study specific Pathologies and their treatment protocols
  • Learn to Apply Flower Essences to the Chakra Body Points (Marma), the Master and Couple Acupressure points on the Strange Flows (Extraordinary Vessels of TCM), and Potent Points that represent the Chakras and Tsubos for balancing and rejuvenating the Body Mind Spirit Connection. Students will learn techniques over 4 days and apply them to a variety of clients in our Student Clinic for 1 day in assessment and practice. Study begins with Distance Learning in the Chakras and 5 Elements Theories for 45 hours which qualifies for attendance in a 5 day Onsite Intensive for 35 hours to learn the application of  the Floral Essences to the Potent Points, increasing the emotional and mental healing affects of the points and the formulas.  This course finishes with 10 Case Studies (4 hours each) in distance learning to complete the 120 hours. Completion time 6 months. . Course Objectives:
    • Study and use Chakra Connections and Associations
    • Delineate the Master, Couple and Potent Points for use with the Floral essences
    • Delineate the Chakra Body Points and Auric Bodies for use with the Floral Essences
    • Study and use 38 Flower remedies  in association with the points
    • Learn to measure and diagnose Chakras in association with the Chakra Bodies and Potent Points
    • Apply Floral Essences in a treatment incorporating AcuChi Jin Shin
  • Chinese Reflexology extends the theory of the Macrosystem treatment of the body whole in a micro extremity. A Natural Medicine practice handed down through generations; Reflexology has become a popular way to deal with stress in our modern society. Many Complementary Alternative Medicines including Aromatherapy now include Reflexology as a way to deliver healing to the body. Source, Luo, Facial, Palmar, and Plantar reflex points are stimulated through pressure to relieve related body areas by following neurological pathways. . Workshop participants will explore the following objectives in Class and Clinic Practice:
    Defining areas and points for Massage, Tsubo, and Reflex therapy in the Feet, Hands, and Face
    Defining and delineating the Stress response in the Body Mind and Emotion of the 5 Element Cycle Applying Pressure methods for treatment and application
    Applying Tools and methods used in pointwork Exploring and learning the Ting, Luo, Source points, Anatomy and Physiology of the feet and hands
    Employing Ethics, Contraindications and Safe Hygiene
    Create and Employ Records, forms and Client Health Histories
    Creating a par
    The course is delivered Combined Distance study for: 90 hour Distance Theory & 40 hour Five Day Onsite Workshop. The Course requires 15 case studies with  60 sessions given and recorded for 80 hours study.
    230 Hours total study and training time. Course Completion time 6 months.
  • This entry level investigative study of Pendulum Dowsing teaches students to open levels of awareness and intuition to use Dowsing techniques which tap into Energy imbalances and treatment. The History of Dowsing, What are pendulums? How to use charts and the Auric Bodies are investigated and practiced in this class. Three areas of study take the student from the introductory reading level to the Basic level of Treatment with pendulums and tools. Students will study theory and then solidify concepts with physical practice. The Hands-on workshop takes place over two days and integrates the use of many forms of Pendulum Work and Treatment.  Work with pendulums follows charts to implement cleansing and balancing in areas of need. This Beginner Course is as healing as it is informative and creates a solid knowledge base for those seeking personal growth and development in Natural Therapies with Pendulum Dowsing. Students will explore using charts in Aura Energetics and balancing techniques. Students will further explore tools in healing sessions with each other and document and discuss the results. Practitioners can complete a certificate with 10 case studies by distance. The class will finish with the making of your own Pendulum Wand (supplies are included). This is a great introduction for those wishing to get a taste of Energy Medicine and a great CE course for Energy Practitioners wishing to add skills directly to their ability to direct accurate methods for treating Energy imbalances. A Certificate of Attendance is given upon completion of the two day workshop. A Certificate of Completion is awarded by the instructor upon completion of 10 case studies with the tools applied in treatments based on working with the Pendulums during the Workshop.
  • This course is a preparation in working with Plant Spirit Medicines and Tree Energies. Students will explore methods of connecting with their environment and heightening awareness to adapt the medicines of the trees to use. Methods of journalling , meditating, connecting and identifying are studied in preparation for creating a present and grounded practitioner. This course helps students connect and work with Plant, Tree, and Nature Energies. Students will explore making smudges, room clearing sprays, Florida Waters, essences, and segueros for the Chakras and the Five Elements using local plants and trees gathered in nature walks on the 10 acres surrounding Windsong School of Healing. This is an excellent addition to any herbal healing or holistic nutrition training you have. Or, start your herbal practice with both Floral Essence Acuchi Jin Shin and Plant Energy Medicines together. The process of observing includes the opening and activation of all of your physical senses. By developing your physical senses, your “intuitive senses” will automatically respond and become stronger as well. You will also be learning how to stay in the present, how to appreciate your physical body and how nature can create healing within you. "I try to make this course an opportunity for the students to learn to ground, to become aware and centered in their body. The energy aspect comes in but only after they have worked in the physical element. I use the trees as a easy way for the students to learn how to use their senses... to observe, listen, touch, feel ... then I teach the how to hold presence. The tree medicine is about studying the tree (by using your senses and by holding silence / presence) as the first nation people did in times past." Prior knowledge of Five Elements and Chakra Theory is an asset to this course.
  • Reiki First degree teaches the three pillars of the Usui system and focuses on personal self development through Gassho; developing Reiki Awareness through Reiji-Ho; and treating in the seven methods through Chiryo. There is a one month distance study in Reiki First Degree Self Development. Total Course Hours ~ 90
  • The Second Degree teaches the use of the Reiki Symbols and the mastery of the Reiki Energy outside the self for off body and distance work. Balancing the Chakras and Ki are central in the Second Degree. And developing an awareness of the aura connected to the body systems is enhanced through work in the Chakra Body Points with AcuChi, Crystals, Color, Sound and, Guided Meditation.  A one month distance study in Chakras, Aura, Energy Awareness, and Vibrational Energy Techniques for Reiki Second Degree is required to take this class. Total Course Hours ~ 90
  • Master Teacher Degree Study is done over 1 year and is scheduled with the Master Teacher after the completion of the 2nd Degree: Training in the Master Teacher Degree requires Apprentices to teach the First and Second Degree onsite with their Master Teacher; write and develop their own class curriculum; and teach a First and Second Degree class independently. Apprentices record the outcomes and submit Student Feedback forms to the Master Teacher. Classes taught in independent study will result in students getting certified in the lineage under the Master Teacher Apprentice. Total Course Hours ~ 200

Port alberni Campus

*All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.