Helping Canadians get back to work.

Western Academy Broadcasting College

1222 Alberta Ave, Saskatoon SK

Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Alberta Student Aid Program
  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Creative Arts, Interactive, Sound Programs

  • Western Academy Broadcasting College invites you to 'look us over' at any of the upcoming STUDIO TOUR sessions. You will have the opportunity to hear about the WABC Broadcasting Program and see the radio and television broadcasting facilities. 

    The STUDIO TOUR is a presentation that includes the following topics:

    • a description of the course

    • explanation of the broadcast training

    • tour through broadcasting studios

    • explanation of careers in the media

    • job placement and hiring

    • interview & audition

    • distribution of application forms

  • Western Academy Broadcasting College invites you to 'look us over' at any of the upcoming STUDIO TOUR sessions. You will have the opportunity to hear about the WABC Broadcasting Program and see the radio and television broadcasting facilities. 

    The STUDIO TOUR is a presentation that includes the following topics:

    • a description of the course

    • explanation of the broadcast training

    • tour through broadcasting studios

    • explanation of careers in the media

    • job placement and hiring

    • interview & audition

    • distribution of application forms

Saskatoon Campus

*All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.