Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.
Confirmed Acupuncture Education Programs is designed to be in compliance with College of Massage Therapists of Ontario Standard of Practice for Acupuncture and CMTO’s Acupuncture Practice Competencies and Performance Indicators (APC/PIs). This program is on the list of self-confirmed programs on the CMTO website:
This combined lab/lecture course introduces the basic concepts of the meridian system, the definitions, classification, terminology, physical location, anatomical description, function and indications of the 12 regular meridian points, with emphasis on the most frequently used points. Acupuncture techniques such as structure and gauge of the filiform needle; preparation procedures for needling; the method of needle insertion, direction, angle, and depth of needle; needle manipulations; basic skills for promoting the Qi arrival; position and drape client; insertion and withdrawal of needles; Gua sha, cupping, moxibustion, managing and prevention of possible accidents in acupuncture, safety standard and risk management Etc.
Upon arrival, students have successfully completed our Confirmed Acupuncture Education Program and can apply acupuncture within the Scope of Practice of Massage Therapy. Students can apply to the College to be authorized. Registrants who are authorized to perform acupuncture by CMTO will be listed in the College’s public register.
The diploma of medical office administration program is designed to provide students with a variety of knowledge and skills which are needed to work in a private physician office, clinical office, or hospital.
The student will learn the basic use of medical terminology, the various functions of management, the requirements specific to patients with certain diseases or disability, skills of good customer services, knowledge of good customers services, the knowledge of OHIP, WSIB and third party billing, the knowledge of maintaining the health records and various ethical and legal issues attached with them, and the knowledge of general rules pertaining to medical transcription.
This program includes 9 models. It covers all the necessary elements to work as a medical office administrator. We focus on practical knowledge. After training the students will fully qualify for the career market.
This program will introduce students to the major historical themes in development of social work in Canada; the major sociological approaches to culture, socialization, social welfare policy, the mass media, gender, sexuality, the family, deviance and religion. They will learn how to evaluate, critically analyze, and apply perspectives and theories related to social institutions, social structure, social settings to human behavior in the social environment and how to do counseling. They will also have the chance to do co-op practice in a community center.After finishing this program, the students would have improved their communication skills, gotten a lot of practical social knowledge and will also be qualified in the market.
This program has been designed in compliance with the MTCU Esthetician Subject Specific Standard. After finishing this course students will have the ability to assess each client’s needs and determine appropriate personal care in relation to that client’s condition, use of specialized equipment and products, technical instruction pertaining to personal skincare treatments and services in the safest manner, students also learn business and customer service skills, sales techniques and knowledge of infection prevention and control.
Knowledge and skills