Helping Canadians get back to work.

Newborough Teachers Training Institute


Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Alberta Student Aid Program
  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Education, Teaching Programs

  • Admission Requirements

    The Newborough Teacher Training Institute only admits students with the ability to benefit from this course, as assessed through the admissions interview with the director. A minimum of Grade 12 or an O.A.C. credit in Mathematics and English (or the equivalent) is needed for acceptance to this course in Canada.

    Entrance Requirements

    Leading to a Diploma in the Early Childhood Montessori Education (children ages 2 ½ through 6 years). At this time there are no University credits awarded for this program. Students must meet at least one of the following criteria to be admitted:
    • An Ontario Secondary Diploma or the equivalent obtained outside of Canada, and Ontario. This includes approved credits in Mathematics and English.
    • Mature students must show related experience working with young children, ages 2 ½ through 6 years, or Early Childhood Education certification from a registered college or registered vocational college in Canada. They may also have a Canadian University Degree or a university degree equivalent from outside of Canada.
    *Related experience is defined as:
    • having worked as an assistant in a registered daycare or childcare facility for, at least one year;
    • having worked as an assistant in a registered Montessori Casa classroom for, at least one year;
    • having worked in an instructional position in a traditional classroom for, at least one year;
    Students must also have an interview with a director. Students with a diploma in Early Childhood Education or Registered Nursing may receive credit for some course work, according to the transcripts provided.
  • Workshop for the education of children ages 2 1/2 - 6 years In order to earn an Assistant Montessori Teacher Certificate, you will need to attend the full 10 days from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (60 hours) - Cost - $850 During this 10--day Assistant Montessori Teacher Workshop, students gain an understanding of the Montessori philosophy, and the purpose and use of the Montessori materials, in the five areas of the Montessori curriculum

Newborough Teachers Training Institute

*All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.