Helping Canadians get back to work.

Keyin College

P.O. Box 160, Creston NL

Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Student Aid NL
  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Skilled Trades, Auto, Fire Programs

  • Truck drivers are a constant presence on the Nation’s roads and highways delivering everything from automobiles to canned food. Firms of all kinds rely on trucks to pick up and deliver goods because no other form of transportation can deliver goods door-to-door. The Commercial Driver Training program provides the skills and knowledge to become a safe and effective professional transport truck driver. Students will graduate with Class 1, 3 and 9A endorsements.
  • As a certified apprentice electrician, you would fit, test and repair the electrical circuits and wiring found in homes and businesses. Your work might range from fitting a bathroom shower circuit in a customer’s home to laying equipment cabling in a major new office development.

    Students would gain the skills and knowledge required to work with employers such as electrical contractors and building firms, manufacturing and engineering companies, kitchen, bathroom and shopfitting companies. Self-employment is another common option.

    This program is recognized by the Apprenticeship and Certification Board as an Interprovincial Trade (Red Seal Endorsed) which allows the holder to work in other provinces /territories without having to re-certify.

  • The Heavy Equipment Operator program provides an introduction to the heavy equipment industry and basic heavy equipment operation. Each student will receive 60 hours operating time on an Excavator, Front End Loader and Tandem Dump Truck. Additionally, students will learn grades reading, safety procedures and heavy equipment maintenance. Upon successful completion, students will have obtained their Class 3 license with a Class 9 endorsement. This program is recognized by the Apprenticeship and Certification Board as a Provincial Apprentice Trade.
  • Be it residential or commercial, carpenters are vital to all aspects of the construction industry. From the building of highways and bridges to the installation of kitchen cabinets, carpenters construct, erect, install, and repair structures and fixtures made from wood and other materials. Students will learn elementary structural design and become familiar with common carpentry jobs, such as layout, form building, rough framing, and outside and inside finishing. They also learn to use the tools, machines, equipment, and materials of the trade. In the classroom, future apprentices learn safety, first aid, freehand sketching, basic mathematics, and various carpentry techniques. This program is recognized by the Apprenticeship and Certification Board as an Interprovincial Trade (Red Seal Endorsed) which allows the holder to work in other provinces/territories without having to re-certify.
  • Keyin College is honored to be the FIRST approved trainer for the Insulator (Heat and Frost) program in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador! The Heat and Frost Insulator program is designed to provide participants with the skills and the knowledge necessary to carry out the day-to-day tasks performed by a Pipe Insulator. Heat and Frost Insulators specialize in the installation and maintenance of insulation systems, the purpose of which is the conservation of energy and the control of the environment in buildings, ships, factories, oil refineries and premises requiring temperature control, heat transfer, as well as fire protection. The work of the insulator encompasses all facets of the trade, such as the handling or distribution of insulating materials on job premises, the operation of equipment and tools necessary for the trade, application of pipe and boiler coverings, the insulation of hot and cold surfaces, ducts, flues, etc. and the application of all protective coverings required on insulation materials. Apprenticeship Training The Insulator (Heat and Frost) program is an apprenticeable trades program. These courses, completed at Keyin College, will represent partial completion of requirements for Journeyperson status under the Interprovincial Red Seal Certification. Once this training is complete and the student secures employment in the trade, he/she must register as an apprentice with the Industrial Training Division, Department of Education.
  • Steamfitter/Pipefitters install and repair both high-pressure and low-pressure pipe systems used in manufacturing, the oil and gas industry, in the generation of electricity, and in the heating and cooling of buildings. The Steamfitter/Pipefitter program provides the skills and knowledge to lay, cut, assemble, install, maintain pipe systems and supports. Graduates will also be prepared to work with related hydraulic and pneumatic equipment for steam, hot water, cooling, lubricating, sprinkling, and industrial production and processing systems. This program is recognized by the Apprenticeship and Certification Board as an Interprovincial Trade (Red Seal Endorsed) which allows the holder to work in other provinces /territories without having to re-certify.

Creston Campus

*All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.