Helping Canadians get back to work.

InnoTech College

4014 Macleod Trail South, Calgary AB

Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Alberta Student Aid Program


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Technology, Networking Programs

  • The InnoTech Full-Stack Development Diploma is designed for everyone, whether you're a problem solver, dreamer, fact lover, creative, extrovert, or introvert. The program ensures you have all the necessary skills to enter the workforce as a successful developer.

    What You'll Learn

    • Develop skills to become a confident problem solver and web developer.
    • Curriculum aligned with industry needs and technological changes.
    • Small classrooms, hands-on instruction, dynamic projects, portfolio development, and extensive coding practice prepare students to meet employers' needs immediately.


    • Introduction to Computers:
      • Learn computer hardware, software, and communication protocols.
      • Master command line interface and Bash scripting.
      • Early practice with tools like Visual Studio Code, Git, and GitHub.
    • HTML & CSS:
      • Build and customize websites using HTML and CSS.
      • Debug sites with a browser inspector.
      • Deploy projects to the cloud using Oracle Cloud, SSH, and Apache.
    • Frontend Programming with JavaScript & VueJS:
      • Master JavaScript fundamentals and browser control.
      • Learn VueJS framework for advanced frontend development.
    • Backend Programming with Python and SQL:
      • Learn Python and create REST APIs with Flask.
      • Use Postman to test APIs.
      • Harness database power with MariaDB.
      • Work with the Linux operating system.

Calgary Campus

InnoTech College, an Alberta-based technology institution, specializes in full-stack web development programs. Founded in 2015, the college addresses the skills gap between industry demands and traditional education.

Focus on employer-driven curriculum development and instruction. Programs designed to take students from no prior knowledge to being job-ready in the tech industry. Licensed under the Private Vocational Training Act, allowing students to access government loans, grants, and scholarships. International students are also welcome.


Modern campus in Calgary, 5 minutes from downtown and near the 39th Ave LRT station. Nearly 5,000 square feet with three classrooms, a student cafeteria, and study areas. Free WiFi and charging stations available for students.

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*All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.