Second Career Ontario Fund
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Hamilton Institute for Health Personnel


Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Healthcare, Wellness, Pharma Programs

  • The Personal Support Worker Program prepares graduates to provide supportive care to individuals across their lifespan by assisting them with their activities of daily living. Students learn to be valuable members of care service teams and develop effective working relationships towards quality client care. With a focus on personal care and home management services, they will gain the knowledge and skills required to collaborate with clients, families, supervisors and colleagues within their respective healthcare institutions.


    PSW Foundations Safety and Mobility Body Systems Assisting with Personal Hygiene Abuse and Neglect Household Management, Nutrition and Hydration Care Planning/Restorative Care/Documentation/Working in the Community Assisting the Family, Growth and Development Assisting the Dying Person Assisting with Medications Cognitive and Mental Health Issues and Brain Injuries Health Conditions


    Through practicums, students are thoroughly evaluated to prepare students with the latest equipment and standard practices used in the industry before being placed in the workplace. This includes using lifts, transfers, hygiene procedures and safety protocols.

    With a large network of healthcare facilities, HIHP assigns students to clinical placements to complete hours for certification and students gain hands-on experience to have the confidence and skills to be successfully employed upon graduation.


    To successfully complete the program, students take the National Association of Career Colleges (NACC) final examination which evaluates the theory component of the training and determines whether they have the required level of knowledge to do the job.

    Successful students are awarded a numbered certificate and corresponding numbered pin identifying the graduate as having successfully passed the theory portion of the PSW Program.

  • Personal Support Worker will be the new title used for workers who are trained to provide personal care and support for clients living in the community and in long-term care facilities. The program consists of 12 modules and an on-job work component. Student comprehension of theory and clinical skills will be evaluated on an on-going basis through written examinations, and evaluation of practical skills.

    The Personal Support Worker Program prepares graduates to provide supportive care to individuals across their lifespan by assisting them with their activities of daily living. Students learn to be valuable members of care service teams and develop effective working relationships towards quality client care. With a focus on personal care and home management services, they will gain the knowledge and skills required to collaborate with clients, families, supervisors and colleagues within their respective healthcare institutions.

    The Personal Support Worker must always work within the bounds of applicable legislation and regulation. They are also accountable to clients and/or family care-givers, their employing agency or facility, and other professionals with whom responsible to perform only those activities for which they have received the necessary training and support and for which they are competent.


    PSW Foundations
    Safety and Mobility
    Body Systems
    Assisting with Personal Hygiene
    Abuse and Neglect
    Household Management, Nutrition and Hydration
    Care Planning/Restorative Care/Documentation/Working in the Community
    Assisting the Family, Growth and Development
    Assisting the Dying Person
    Assisting with Medications
    Cognitive and Mental Health Issues and Brain Injuries
    Health Conditions


    Through practicums, students are thoroughly evaluated to prepare students with the latest equipment and standard practices used in the industry before being placed in the workplace. This includes using lifts, transfers, hygiene procedures and safety protocols.

    With a large network of healthcare facilities, HIHP assigns students to clinical placements to complete hours for certification and students gain hands-on experience to have the confidence and skills to be successfully employed upon graduation.


    To successfully complete the program, students take the National Association of Career Colleges (NACC) final examination which evaluates the theory component of the training and determines whether they have the required level of knowledge to do the job.

    Successful students are awarded a numbered certificate and corresponding numbered pin identifying the graduate as having successfully passed the theory portion of the PSW Program.


  • The Community Services Worker Gerontology Program prepares graduates to work with programs in support of older adults. Students learn to be valuable members of care service teams and develop effective working relationships towards quality client care. They administer and implement a variety of social assistance programs and community services, and assist clients to deal with personal and social problems. With the aging population there is a great need in Ontario for such workers.

    The CSW Program provides students with the opportunity to incorporate their classroom and learning lab theory into a real work situation. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate and refine their skills to the achievement of the required tasks and sub-tasks, supporting the core knowledge and skill competencies and objectives.

    Students incorporate theoretical modules as they go through each of the 3 Practicum stages: Observation, Community Mental Health Setting and Long Term Care Setting for Older Adults. The three placements use learning opportunities for further personal and professional growth and skill development.


    Introduction to Community Service Worker Ethics & Professionalism in Clinical Practice for CSW Introduction to Sociology & Diversity Fundamentals Canadian Social Service System and Social Policy The Essentials of Abnormal Psychology including Pharmacology Communications (Part 1) Interpersonal Communications Crisis Intervention Strategies Basic Counselling and Interviewing Methods

    Field Placement 1 - Field Placement Prep & Observation (1 day Mental Health and 1 day Gerontology)


    Community Mental Health Assessment Community Mental Health Case Management

    Field Placement 2 - Supervised Practicum & Seminar Debrief (Mental Health Setting)


    Gerontology Foundations & Life Span Development Communications (Part 2) Strategies within a Multi-disciplinary Team Mental Health and Cognitive Aging Activation and Programming for Older Adults Group Methods including Gerontology Contemporary Social Issues in Gerontology

    Field Placement 3 - Supervised  Practicum & Seminar Debrief - (Gerontology Setting)

  • The Developmental Services Worker Program prepares graduates to administer and implement a variety of social assistance in programs and community services as well as assist clients to deal with personal and social problems. They are trained to provide person-directed supports and services for people with developmental disabilities in a manner that is respectful and fosters self-determination and empowerment. Upon successful completion of the DSW program, graduates are prepared to act in a professional, ethical, competent and accountable manner.

    The DSW practicum provide students with the opportunity to incorporate their classroom and learning lab theory into a real work situation. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate and refine their skills to the achievement of the required tasks and sub-tasks. Mapped directly to the Subject Specific Standards for the DSW worker’s vocational outcomes and in alignment with the DSW Standards of Practice, and the DSW Hay Competencies, the practicum provides a mentorship for the student to observe and interact with other developmental services worker professionals while working on the job to fulfill their practicum course hours.

    The 6 DSW Standards of Practice include: Provision of Services to Service Recipients; Competence; Integrity; Confidentiality; Consent and Fees. The seven DSW Hay Competencies include: Advocating for Others; Collaboration; Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making; Fostering Independence in Others; Interpersonal Relations and Respect; Resilience; and Self-Development.


    Developmental Disabilities

    Ethics, Regulations, Competencies & Standards of Practice

    Developmental Psychology

    Abnormal Psychology (Including Dual Diagnosis)

    Health & Wellness (personal, workplace and environmental health & well-being)

    Education Strategies

    Communication (Forms of communication; appropriate communication skills; accident reporting systems)

    Developmental Services

    Behavioural Support

    Social Services

    Field Placement 1 - Preparation and Observation


    Person Directed Supports & Services

    Communications (various forms of communication; appropriate communication,)


    Field Placement 2 - School /Education Setting


    Building Community

    Assessment Techniques

    Health & Wellness (Intellectual disability; preventing abuse, neglect & assault; vicarious trauma and self-care; DSW as part of a health care team)

    Field Placement 3 - Community based, Supervised Placement Setting


*All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.