Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.
Transition from your current career to a career firefighter! Our Professional Fire Fighter Program - Flex offers a flexible, part time schedule allowing you to study while you continue to work!
The ESA Professional Fire Fighter Programs are IFSAC and ProBoard accredited through the Office of the Fire Commissioner.
ESA offers two options for fire fighter training! Choose our part-time, blended learning Professional Fire Fighter Program - Flex to transition to a new career as a fire fighter, or enroll in our full-time, intensive and Professional Fire Fighter Program - Enhanced for 12 weeks. Call us to discuss the best option for you! Both the Flex program and the Enhanced program are designated for student funding.
Flex program or Enhanced program? Which one works for you? Frequently Asked Questions are included in the "FAQ's" section of this page to help you make this decision.
With our addition of the Professional Fire Fighter Program - Flex in 2016, we revised the name of our original Professional Fire Fighter Program to include the descriptor - Enhanced. Our Professional Fire Fighter Program - Enhanced is delivered over 12 weeks of full-time, intensive, face-to-face training based at ESA. It is enhanced with additional certifications, preparation for firefighter recruitment competitions, fitness training and much more!
ESA is offering two options for fire fighter training! Enroll in our original, full-time, 12 week Professional Fire Fighter Program - Enhanced which features many additional components, OR choose our part time, blended learning Professional Fire Fighter Program - Flex to transition to a new career as a firefighter! Call us to discuss the best option for you!
The ESA Professional Fire Fighter Programs are IFSAC and ProBoard accredited through the Office of the Fire Commissioner.
Rope Rescue 1 is designed to teach students the theories and knowledge of rope rescue to the NFPA 1006 standard.
It includes classroom and practical field exercises. Students advance from over the bank rescues to progressively more difficult vertical scenarios.
Students are trained in pre-planning and size up of rope rescue operations: knots, hitches and anchor systems; belay operations; ascending and descending; raising and lowering systems; and patient packaging and litter tending.
Special emphasis is placed on safety considerations for rescuers, victims and bystanders.
There are two certification options available for this course based on applicant prerequisites.
The Ice Rescue Course is designed to introduce fire and rescue personnel to all of the basic elements of ice and ice rescue techniques.
The student will learn the dynamics of ice, and how these apply to the ice rescue discipline. The didactic portion will also cover how cold water situations effect the human body and how we can apply that to rescue.