Your path to a better future starts with figuring out the right job for your personality and then getting the necessary training. That’s where Academy of Learning Career College comes in. We’ll help you make the best career choice and then answer all your questions about getting the skills you need. Come in for a chat. I’ll assess your skills and interests and recommend a program that will lead to a career suited to you. And make sure you ask me about our AMAZING student referral program! School is more fun with a friend! Call me to make a no-pressure appointment.
Grade 12 or equivalent or Mature Student Status. Courses are open to any applicant who possesses a good command of the English language and is able to follow instructions. An admissions interview will be administered to determine if the applicant has the required interest, motivation, and entry-level skills to take this program. Full-time students must attend the required hours per week as per the course schedule and may do so at times convenient to them.